Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The One Constant of Missionary Life

I have come to realize that to be on the mission field requires lots of adjustments that you have to make and the biggest thing you have to get used to is... Change!  The one constant of missionary life is change.  You have to learn how to live with change and realize that change can be a good thing if you accept it.  I never know what God will ask me to do next or where he will take me and you may ask "Why in the world would you want to live a life like that?"  Well my answer to you is that there is no better way to live than to live in the center of God's will.  It is the most incredible place to be and I promise it will be one of the most exciting, fun, adventurous, random, humbling, yet very hard experiences you will ever have.

    When I started following God and really allowing him to truly lead my every step I never thought it would bring me to where
 I am now- peparing to move to a small village in Ghana at 19 years old. This journey has been unbelievable so far and it has only just begun.  I am so humbled at the fact that I have the privilege of going to Tumu to share God's love to the lost and broken and to encourage those who are already in the faith, teaching them more about God's goodness and His love towards them.  God is good and I will give him all the praise!

My Prayer Focus:
1. That God would continue to prepare me for the journey ahead.
2. Financial needs would be met.
3. My relationship with God would continue to grow and be strengthened.

My financial support has been pouring in and I am so close to reaching my goal! To date I need $3,552.00 by April and with Christ I know this goal is very possible. Please continue to pray for me and that my needs would be met.  Thank you all for having such generous hearts and for supporting me as I follow Christ!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

fundraising: A stressful but exciting time

    A couple of months ago, I started the process of raising support for my mission to Tumu, Ghana.  To be honest, the process of writing letters and sharing my vision can be so exciting at times, yet very stressful at others.  Seeing how generous people are and watching how God provides little by little is amazing!  At the same time it is hard to not worry about all the details involved with planning: the finances, more immunizations, coordinating travel plans, and on and on. Trusting God with everything is not always easy! It's hard, but I know that it is worth everything to be led by such an awesome God.

    I have to continue to give up control of my life every day and surrender completely to God and to remind myself that God is in control not me.  He is my provider and this journey to Africa would not be possible without Him!

    To date my financial support is coming along sure and steady. Thank you to all who have responded and given so generously!  I still need about $13,000 in support and am trusting that God will provide.

    My prayer focus this month:
          1.  Trust God to provide for all my needs, both big and small.
          2.  No problems receiving immunizations
          3.  Direction in planning for my departure

Also I just received my prayer cards and will be sending them out soon.  Be sure to look for yours in the mail!
