Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Life In Ghana: July&August

           Hello friends, I have not posted anything in about two months! Life has been crazy, So let me bring you all up to date. 

July was a busy time with the children’s Bible clubs and teaching the children at the Vision Academy. Our Sunday school class led a children’s service one Sunday at Tumu Church where they performed a skit, recited memory verses and Penny talked to the congregation about how important children’s ministry is. A lot of work that went into trying to get all of the children ready for the service and they did such a great job!  We then traveled down to the south of Ghana for a week long SIM Spiritual Life Conference in Kumasi where we could relax, fellowship with all of the other SIM missionaries in Ghana, and be challenged spiritually by the great teachings from Rev. JFK Mensa.  It was nice to have a week off and spend time in God’s Word.  We returned to Tumu refreshed and ready to go and continued our CBCs (Children Bible Clubs) I finished out the month teaching at the Vision Academy before the children went on holiday for the month of August.

August came and went in what seemed to be the blink of an eye!   August started out pretty slow because the children were on holiday from school so I just had CBCs going on, but because the kids were out of school most children either went back to their villages or had to go to farm so only a few children were coming to CBC.  Penny and I began to plan for the Vacation Bible School that took place in two different villages outside of Tumu. The planning took lots of time and effort and I am so thankful for Penny and everyone else who helped me! The VBS took place about two weeks ago, we had about 45 children at the first village and about 200 children at the second village!  It was chaotic and exhausting, but so awesome. It was a success! I am now getting back into my normal routine of things here in Tumu. My focus this month is on building stronger relationships with these children and really getting to know them, so be praying for these connections and relationships.
Life has been quite busy and well.. It still is!  Pray that as life is busy I would continue to keep my eyes on God and keep him at the center of all that I do.
            The past four months have been filled with a lot of laughter, joy and excitement. But there has also been some difficulties and changes in my life that have been hard to swallow. God has tested me and challenged me in many different ways. I’m not going to lie - it has been hard but my relationship with God has become so much stronger and my love for Him has grown so much. God has proven himself faithful time and time again and he continues to strengthen me and remind me why I am here and that no matter what is happening at home or around me I am here and this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.  Whenever I get overwhelmed I just remember this quote from Oswald Chambers “Look up and receive the quiet contentment of the Lord Jesus.”  I asked God to stretch me and he definitely answered my prayer.. So be careful what you pray for haha!  As I am being stretched I am learning what it means to truly depend on God and my relationship with Him is being strengthened, and deepened.  It is so sweet to walk so closely with God, I find such peace and joy in that.  Pray that I would continue to hear Gods’ voice and that I would continue to rely on him and place all my trust in him.
